Carey Group develops tools—by practitioners for practitioners—that help translate research into day-to-day work. While our products do not require training or certification, experience demonstrates that many staff will benefit from training and coaching in their use.
We provide training and coaching for agencies that are interested in supporting staff skill development in the use of our risk reduction tools. Training and coaching approaches can be customized to your agency’s specific needs, but we recommend the following:
Brief Intervention ToolS (BITS)
A skills-based training for staff and supervisors on the use of Carey Group Publishing’s BITS, a set of 6 short tools designed to help people build skills.
Carey Guides
A skills-based training for staff and supervisors on the use of Carey Group Publishing’s Carey Guides to effectively address criminogenic needs and enhance case management. See the User’s Guide for answers to questions most commonly asked about the Guides.
The Driver Workbook
A 90-minute self-directed online course for staff and supervisors on how to use the Driver Workbook. (The Carey Group also offers Driver Workbook training as an in-person or live online class in conjunction with a Carey Guides and/or BITS course.)
Supervisor's EBP BriefCASE
A skills-based training for supervisors to guide them through facilitating the 18-module Supervisor's EBP BriefCASE. This course includes an introduction to the BriefCASE series, "real-time" skill practice in delivering the modules, and tips and strategies for conducting effective BriefCASE sessions.
The Carey Guides Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Kit
A skills-based training on CQI and a review of CQI tools developed specifically to ensure that the Carey Guides are used with fidelity.
For information on training or to discuss your training needs, contact us here or call us at 877-892-2739.