Carey Group assists criminal and juvenile justice system agencies in making the transition to more collaborative, flexible, and innovative ways of doing business. We apply the strategic thinking and planning required to assess an organization’s readiness for change, manage that change, and evaluate the progress made in achieving the desired change.
Our organizational development services address common challenges that justice systems face.
"Organizational culture” is the collection of attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviors, and practices that define an organization. Healthy organizations have leaders who consciously seek to nurture a work environment that promotes a spirit of camaraderie. This contributes to positive morale, work productivity, and goal achievement. Carey Group assists organizations in building a strong, healthy culture that leads to staff retention and excellence in the workplace.
Carey Group provides services and consultation in:
Assessing an organization’s readiness for change
Developing change management plansImplementing new processes, procedures, and programs
Ensuring the quality and fidelity of change strategiesDeveloping process and outcome measures
Evaluating the success of change management activities
Strategic planning seeks to clearly articulate an organization’s vision and mission, the specific activities that will effectively achieve them, and the performance metrics that reflect progress and success. Carey Group has developed a proprietary strategic planning roadmap that we use to guide agencies through this process.
Facilitate a step-by-step, collaborative strategic planning process
Create a process to maximize staff, management, and stakeholder input and buy-in to the strategic and action plans
Draft strategic plans that reflect the vision, mission, and long-term goals of the agency
Support the creation of action plans to achieve long-term goals
Build strategic communication plans
Carey Group’s organizational development services are:
When agencies do not have the time or resources to develop strategic plans, it can be difficult for them to realize their vision and mission. We work with a cross-section of agency staff to develop the goals, objectives, and action steps needed for long-term success.
We understand that change can be difficult for any organization. To help an agency smoothly manage change, we make sure to fully understand their organizational culture and values and use this understanding to guide our individualized services.
Sensitive to Constraints
Juvenile and criminal justice systems and behavioral health agencies are often faced with political and budgetary constraints. We understand these constraints and are experienced in navigating them.
"Introducing and implementing a strategic planning process for a subdivision of a large state corrections agency can be a daunting task, especially with limited time and budget. Carey Group rose to the challenge, worked closely with agency staff and administrators to design a strategic planning process that would work for our department, and facilitated a process that elicited input and consensus from all levels within the organization. Their approach kept staff engaged and committed to developing a plan that provides us with a roadmap to our future."
Operations Director, State Parole Agency
"I have had the pleasure of working with Carey Group in different executive-level capacities over the past 12 years through my association with three separate departments. Their performance has always been impeccable; their guidance and leadership welcomed by all levels; and the task at hand has always been completed professionally, on time, within budget, and at the high quality that is a longstanding characteristic of Carey Group. The size, complexity, and political environment of each department were significant factors that were carefully weighed and considered by Carey Group as they planned and carried out their work. Their combined experience of over 70 years in the criminal and juvenile justice fields brought extensive expertise, skills, and the ability to maneuver complex systems with ease, sensitivity, and flare."
Executive Leader, Urban Correctional Department
"If your agency is about to embark on changing the environment from a traditional model of probation supervision to one based on sound principles of evidence-based practices, you can have no better guide than Carey Group."
Probation Chief, Midwestern State
"Carey Group provides outstanding leadership, integrity, a positive attitude, and a caring spirit. They helped us understand where we were at that time, where we wanted to go, and how we were going to get there. Thank you so much for all you do and who you are."
Community Corrections Administrator, Midwestern State
"Training provided by Carey Group strengthened our agency’s evidence-based practices foundation. We had an introduction to EBP previously, but it was not until Carey Group helped us understand the research and overlaid it with firsthand field experience that front-line supervisors and officers could apply it in their day-to-day supervision duties."
Community Corrections Administrator, Southeastern State
"Carey Group provided us with the inspiration and leadership we needed to implement evidence-based practices (EBP) in our department. Their reputation in the justice field as dedicated, passionate professionals committed to making a difference is well deserved. Their extensive knowledge of EBP research and delivery of EBP services is top-notch."
Corrections Administrator, Midwestern State