What's Included:
Interventions are most effective when they focus specifically on a person’s criminogenic needs. The challenge is that actuarial assessment tools often identify a cluster of dynamic risk factors but generally do not identify the “driver”: the criminogenic need that is most likely driving a person’s harmful behavior. The Driver Workbook was developed to fill the gap.
Using an interactive process, staff and clients explore patterns that emerge from a person’s descriptions of times when they experienced trouble in the past—at home, at school, at work, and/or with the law. The substantive dialogue that results from exploring these patterns leads to important discoveries about the driver and needed skills that might otherwise take much longer to evidence themselves. The process of working through the Driver Workbook collaboratively helps build understanding and rapport and assists staff and clients in prioritizing case plan goals.
"Many [of my] clients have completed the Driver worksheets, but I recall one in particular that was impacted by them. We completed the six worksheets one by one. Then, we circled the answer on each paper that was most influential to the instance of trouble. We circled #4 on the first one, the second one, and the third, and this pattern continued for all 6 worksheets. The client had a stunned moment of silence, and it was like I saw a 'click' when they realized they had one single driver that influenced their times of trouble from a young child all the way up to present. It [was] a very powerful moment for the client as they became aware of this trend in their life.
If I hadn't bought in and presented the Driver worksheets as a useful tool to discover the pattern, this moment may have never happened. I will continue to hold on to this situation as a motivator to continue to buy into the work we do and the tools we use. Thank you, Carey Group, for your contribution to this, as this moment would have never happened without access to tools like the Driver worksheets.”
-M. Meyer, Missouri Department of Corrections, Probation and Parole